Lotz of Botz - BinaryOptions.net - Page 3

Starting A Strong Equity Curve

Oct. 25, 2012

24 October 2012 Yesterday was more of a normal day as my win streak came to an end :( Every week or so I catch a 6-10 trade streak that helps keep the balance of statistics in place for my 80% average. This balances off maybe a day or two of lackluster results. I often […]

Too Easy: 8 trades 8 wins!

Oct. 23, 2012

22 October 2012 I headline this blogpost with “Too Easy” because it was an almost perfect day for my ALGOs. I had 8 wins with 8 trades 100%. I wish everyday could be like this. But markets don’t always flow as they should and that is ok. In the end you can only try to […]

The Google Flash Crash 10/18/2012

Oct. 21, 2012

Google was the poster boy for the extreme activity of the day and thankfully it helped make my day rock solid in the profit category. Google had earning released early by maybe a disgruntled employee or somebody that just did not set their watch correctly? Whatever the reason it sure threw the market into a […]


Oct. 18, 2012

Today 10/17/2012 was a very good day for me, even with waking up late and seeing I had missed a few good signals. I examined the lines of the different commodities and seen they were all trading according to spec for what I look for. When I see a market behaving accordingly that is when […]

Navier Stokes Theories

Oct. 16, 2012

My name is Erik Von aka “Lotz of Botz”. My professional field of work in in Mech/Aeronautical Engineering. I happened into trading because of a commercial on tv from interactive brokers and thought “Wow that trading thing looks cool.” After examining pools of data from brokers, software and systems ect ect. I said “Ah no, […]